Hosting Requirements

To be eligible to host with Sniffspace you must adhere to the following host requirements. Failure to adhere to the following requirements could result in your space being de-activated or a claim being rejected.

  1. Space must be on private property.
  2. You must own or have permission from the owner of the space to list it.
  3. You must be in full control of the movement of people and animals into your space.
  4. It must have a private entry that does not require a guest to enter a private residence.
  5. Your space must be free of all hazards. Examples below:
    • There should be no plants that are poisonous to dogs.
    • No discarded building material such as corrugated iron.
    • No unsafe furniture or play equipment that may move or fall
  6. No unfenced or partially fenced areas are allowed but are not covered by the policy.
  7. No fencing shorter than 3 feet that adjoins a road with a speed limit />60km
  8. Any electric fences cannot be active during a visit.
  9. No barbed wire fencing less than 3 feet from the ground level.

Your space must be void of any people, dogs or other domestic or farm animals. Many of our furry guests will find these things very scary and may act in an unpredictable manner if encountering them.

We do not allow hosts:

  • That has been convicted of a crime within Australia or overseas
  • Or been convicted of animal cruelty.
  • Advertising of non-Sniffspace activities such as boarding, dog training, doggy daycare, accommodation or playdates with resident pets.
  • Solicit private booking off the Sniffspace platform.
  • Discriminate against dogs of a certain breed or age

Sniffspace allows you to enter a short and long description as well as up to 6 images of your space. We ask that when you are describing your space you include as much detail as possible to ensure a guest chooses the correct property for their dog. We do not require fully fenced spaces (although no liability insurance will exist for spaces that are not fully fenced). We ask that if your space is partially fenced you show the appropriate fencing in that section and describe it further in the comments box.