Articles in this category

Host Do’s and Don’ts
How can I secure my Sniffspace?
How much should I charge for my space?
Interaction rules with guest dogs
Make the most of your Space listing.
Who can Host a space?
Will dogs be vaccinated?
Will my address be public?
How to block hours for a specific day?
How to leave a review multi dogs?
Public liability insurance for approved hosts
Hosting Requirements
What does it cost to list with Sniffspace?
How to message your guests
How much do I need to interact with guests and their dogs?
How do Host payments work?
Can I message my past guests once they have left my space?
Safe Messaging
Can I host if i have Livestock
Creating a great space listing
How can you create more awareness about your space?
Why can't I, as a host, reschedule bookings
How does hosting work if i have my own dogs?
Opening your Doggy Daycare up to Sniffspace guests
Creating the 3 P's - The Perfect Puppy Paradise
Sharing your space on Social Media